Nordea Private Banking
Nordea Private Banking
Nordea Private Banking has offered private banking and asset management services in Finland since 1987. Nordea Private Banking magazine is their exclusive publication for Private Banking members. Published twice a year, it offers topical investment information and asset management related reading.
Share yielding
Since the 2008 – 2009 market crisis, global stock investments have yielded good profits with steady growth of up to 150 %. We helped the Sanoma publishing team and Nordea Private Banking to create a report and information graphics, explaining share yielding from 2004 to 2013. Based on the analysis of data provided by Nordea, we designed a concept and spread for the magazine. The result, an informative article on the long-term value changes and dividends of selected stocks.
Interest rates
Changes in interest rates reflect the current state of the economy. If share prices are considered the economy’s thermometer, interest rates can be considered a barometer of sorts. In general, interest rates have a wide-ranging impact on the economy, from the real-estate market to stock and currency markets. On a somewhat higher level, monetary policy affects us all. When central banks make changes to interest rates, the measure effect’s banks, corporations’ operations and household economies alike.
Oil shapes the world
The increasing demand for oil and limited production capacity have kept oil prices relatively high during the past decade. However, recent downturns in the US economy and the EU have pushed prices down, and production capabilities have been able to meet declining demand. Increased shale gas production in the US has also played a role in shaping recent oil pricing. Today, oil prices are on the rise again. Nonetheless long-term prices are expected to remain between 50 – 90 USD per barrel, partially affected by Asian refineries reluctance to cut production levels in order to significantly increase prices.